i think about what i would do if i were stuck clinging to the long dangly light fixture or the steeple maybe... then I think it would probably be ok if i had some mad indiana jones skills or maybe those peewee herman suction shoes.
then i find myself thinking about my little family and how wonderful they are and what a lucky girl i am. and i wonder about what kind of women my girls will come to be.
and sometimes i think of all the tiny things that are amazing that we overlook all the time.... like how an orange is made up of a bazillion itsy bitsy little juice pockets that hold such lovely nectar inside. and i wonder if i could ever guess just how many there are in one orange...
inevitably i reach the conclusion that 'really seriuos chistians' never find themselves in these wierd mental spaces and am pretty sure that this kind of pondering is supposed to end somewhere around 12.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm