ok - here is my store of artwork post Clothesline. I must say, I'm a bit suprised the Sun & Moon Carriage pieces haven't sold yet... I know they are a bit pricey but c'mon, aren't they just too supa sweet???? yep yep --- I guess they will just hafta chill with humpty dumpty till I decide what venue to sell them in... I will be putting them up fo sale in etsy shop this weekender... www.tumbleweed240.etsy.com
To become truly immortal, a work of art must escape all human limits: logic and common sense will only interfere. But once these barriers are broken, it will enter the realms of childhood visions and dreams.
So, you wanna know about me... I have just discovered kittens.. I love them and I make the cutest Meow of all time. I love to have countless books read to me. I am fearless, I love to test the waters, push the limits. And my favorite word and question of all time is WHY!!!
Portrait of the artist, as a young Girl
Lavender's FAVS... this week anyway Fav food - Trail mix Fav TV show - Hello Kitty Fav Book - the Angelina books Fav Music - The Distribution, of course! Fav thing to do - Color Fav Color - Pink Fav place to go - Where ever Lulu is
Quote of the week: I'm puttin' on my dancin' shoes, mom!
Current Inspirations
The chaos of the everyday with its never ending not enough hours in the dayness has pushed me back to something I once knew and practiced daily... yoga. I have a love and hate relationship with this discipline.... perhaps, it is because it is just that - discipline.
Tea with Sister Anna is a book that I longed and longed for at every trip to Rock Point Books... and now it's finally mine! I love it... it's a vacation every time I crack it open! Thanks, Sister Anna!
The Listening Corner
Olafur Arnalds - soothing sounds for bruised souls