So my absolute favoritest show in the whole world is Project Runway. I know, I know - its a reality show and all, but I have to say I am just so obsessed with it... I just love watching the creative process in action!!! To me, art is art - creativity is creativity no matter if your working with clothing, bits of paper or garbage, stone, whatever.
All that to say, I am just soo bummed that one of favorite designers was booted off the show last night. The dress she made (out of recycled paper!!) is the pic to the right. I think its cool (despite the crazy bow atop the head)! I am just so bummed when reality show peeples eliminate candidates for silly miniscule reasons and keep others b/c they make good/dramatic tv watchin. ugh. Bon voiage, Allison! I will miss looking at your great styles!