Me: Hey, Laughfer... do you know where we're going?
L: Where?
Me: To the Aquarium!!!
L: ------
Me: Do you remember the Aquarium?
L: Who's there?
Me: FISHES! Lots and lots of fishes.... and turtles, and penguins, and butterflies and big fishes and little tiny fishes, and fishes that swim fast and fishes that swim really really slow!
L: All kinds of that stuff!!
Me: Yep
L: And cows?
Me: Huh?
L: Cows and itty, bitty, little, duckies!
Me: I don't know about the cows.
L: And BIG duckies too!
Me: Yes, big ducks too.
----- We go over through a bumpy constructiony part o town ----
L: It's hard to go...
Me: What?
L: It's hard to go
Me: Go where?
L: To the AQUARIUM, mom!
Anyways... some how we made it to the Aquarium with vertually no one th
And yes, you should thank me that I did not post all the jelly fish pictures I took. I am in love with these glorious suckers.... that is unless I were actually swimming with them. They are really overwhelmingly pretty to watch.