These works are solely for my little ol' family... yes, yes... I have been unabashedly pursuing exactly what I have been wanting to... my own work... for no one else but me! So selfish, righto??
Anyways, here are the fruits of the labor...
Lavender in silhouette... then her lovely little hand and feet impressions captured forever in sweet sweet beeswax! I just love this incredibly durable medium... perfect for me, especially since Lavender keeps carrying them around the house saying "Look at THIS, Mom!!!"
Now I just gotta get the Autumn works going!
As you may have noticed... I am in preservation mode. I keep finding myself wanting to savor and capture all the wonderful tiny little details of this time in our little family's world. It seems that its fleetingness (is that a word?) has made itself known to me once again. And somehow I just know that these are the golden years, ya know...
Hope you all are savoring yours in your own special way...
Howeva, if you want your own child's tinyness caught on canvas, like these... give me a shout and I might just make one for you!
Now off to enjoy the incredible wonders that live in the waters of the Aquarium!!!
Hope you cats have a good day... looks like it is going to be a pretty one!