Monday, July 28, 2008

my girls

i know some you cats out there have already seen one or two of these pics off of my hubbie's bloggie, but I just had to do a follow up...
I mean... c'mon, aren't these just the coolest pics you have seen in awhile???
don't answer that...

I know I am lost in the cuteness of my girls and all, but I have to say that I wish I could take credit for these shots b/c I really think they are something special.

They remind me of some movie...
and ya know, I think it is actually Josher's last short film project, Rowboat. In Rowboat, there are these supa blown out, white light shots that are just these little beauties that haunt your mind.

All this to say, nice work, babe... on the babies and their pics too!!!!!